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  4. What is on the application for the Unpaid Internships Stipend?

What is on the application for the Unpaid Internships Stipend?

To review eligibility requirements and apply, visit Does the Magner Career Center Provide a Stipend for Unpaid Internships?

You will be asked to complete some questions about you/academic profile, submit your resume and to submit responses to the following questions:

  1. Describe your career interest and how you selected this potential career 
  2. Describe the type of internship/student teaching/service learning you are applying for/have secured. How does it support your career goals? 
  3. Describe your financial need/situation (How will receiving the money benefit you? How do you currently support yourself? Are you part of any program that provides a stipend for internships?)
  4. Have you used the Center’s services or attended any events? *
    • Yes: Describe your level of engagement with the career center. Include specific examples regarding what services you have used and/or events have you attended and how you benefited from them
    • No: Please explain why you have not used the Center’s services or attended any events
  5. Aside from financial need, why should you be selected to receive the award? Keep in mind that the program is competitive, convince us!   
  6. Optional essay (not scored, used to determine amount): Most stipends are $2,650 (this is before taxes are withheld). If you have expenses or circumstances that require you to receive a higher stipend please explain.

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