How to: Update Your Gender

Students are free to change their gender on prior, present, and future college records at their discretion, and without documentation. Gender Coding, generally collected for statistical purposes only, is optional and is not included on any official CUNY documents.

Gender may only be updated for students that have attended from Spring 2013 and onward.

To update your gender, follow the steps below:

  • Select one of the options under the GENDER CODING section. Options available are:
    • Female (F)
    • Male (M)
    • Gender Nonconforming (G)
    • A Gender Not Listed (L)
    • Non Specified (U)
    • Transgender (T)
    • Non-binary (X)

Submit Your Request

  • Requests will be processed within 5-7 business days.


For questions on this process or to follow up on your request, reach out to

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