How To: Update Your Date of Birth

An adjustment or correction to the date of birth in student records requires official documentation in the form of a valid, government issued photo ID and the original (or official replacement/duplicate) of the birth certificate.

Even if you are a student, CUNY employees (faculty or staff), must contact their main campus’ HR office to follow the proper procedure to update the date of birth on file.

To update your date of birth, follow the steps below:

  • Complete all fields under the DATE OF BIRTH CORRECTION section.

If the appropriate documentation is not submitted with this form, the request will not be accepted or processed.

Required Documentation

Two original proofs are required. If there is not enough documentation to support your name change request, the request will not be accepted or processed.

Original documentation, not copies, must be submitted.

  • Proof #1:
Proof #1

Valid, government issued photo ID with legal name and correct date of birth on it (e.g., passport, drivers license)

Proof #2Birth certificate with correct date of birth

Submit Your Request

  • Requests will be processed within 5-7 business days.


For questions on this process or to follow up on your request, reach out to

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