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CUNY Cybersecurity Awareness Training

CUNY offers a 25-minute interactive Cybersecurity Awareness for Students that covers practical tips for protecting yourself against online threats. The course is tailored to CUNY students and helps you gain a comprehensive understanding of the cybersecurity risks we all face, along with some best practices for safeguarding your data, so you can avoid opening the wrong link or attachment.

You can find this course in Blackboard under your Organizations section.

Phishing attacks, spam, and hacked accounts have unfortunately become common occurrences in higher education. Increasing awareness about online risks is your, and the University’s, best defense against cyber threats and protecting online information and data. Learn more about spoofing and phishing scams.

Please spend 25 minutes to learn how you can protect yourself against online threats. This brief time investment could protect you from serious financial, privacy or data loss consequences later on.

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