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How do I submit a student technology fee (STF) proposal?

Online STF Proposal Request form (preview the STF form questions)

Please note that proposals may only be submitted in response to the annual call letter from the Provost.

Student Technology Fee Resources

Here are some resources and guidelines for submitting proposals to be funded by the Student Technology Fee.

This is a formal call letter to request proposals for projects to be funded by Student Technology Fee funds for the 2023-2024 academic year.  


STF proposals must be submitted via an online tool. Please pay close attention to the submission deadline, which is December 21, 2022, and the accompanying guidelines, some of which are reproduced below.  

All proposals are routed first to a designated executive area head, who must approve the proposal for it to proceed to the committee for consideration (Dean of School for faculty, VP Ron Jackson for student affairs and clubs, SVP Alan Gilbert for miscellaneous administrative submissions, and Associate Dean Mary Mallery for Library submissions).  

The STF Committee meets in early Spring to review the proposals and decide which to fund.  Proposers will be informed of the committee’s decisions later in the spring semester.


Almost all activities on campus are ultimately related to students.  However, only proposals that provide direct and immediate benefit to students in specific ways will be considered.

Examples of acceptable uses of STF funds:

  • Implementing or upgrading instructional computer labs
  • Acquiring or upgrading accessible technology
  • Implementing or upgrading student-serving computer labs
  • Improving and implementing student services
  • Faculty development of new or improved courseware
  • Electronic information resources in the library
  • Personnel for installation and maintenance of computer services
  • Upgrading instructional spaces to support technology-assisted learning
  • Acquiring technology tools to support college-sponsored student activities
  • Expand student access to current and emerging technology
  • Purchase of Enterprise Solutions 

Examples of unacceptable uses of STF funds:

  • Supplies, other than an initial small starter supply for a new piece of equipment
  • Construction or other infrastructure needs, such as HVAC, electrical work, painting, window shades, etc.  
  • Equipment or software for faculty research or private faculty use
  • Requests to utilize STF funds to replace or subsidize standard budgeted expenditures for college operations. 


The STF Committee, chaired by the Provost, reviews each proposal in early Spring and assigns one of the following determinations to each: Approved in whole or in part, declined, or held in queue for possible funding later in the year. The decision will be communicated to each submitter, typically within one month after the STF decisions are made.

Approved proposals will be executed and funded in the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Those funds do not typically start becoming available until the Fall of that year and are collected throughout the year (Summer, Fall, and Spring). While every effort will be made to initiate purchases as quickly as possible, most purchases will not be completed in time for the Fall term, and some may have to be deferred to Spring. Please keep this in mind when planning your 2023-2024 classes.

Proposals approved for funding go through the standard CUNY procurement process, which is time-consuming and those orders must adhere to many NYS and CUNY regulations. This requires the cooperation of the proposers now and during the procurement process in the following year.  CUNY requires that STF funds be expended in the year they are collected. Therefore, if ITS or College Purchasing determines that a purchase is not practically attainable in the necessary timeframes, that allocation may have to be rescinded, and the funds reallocated to other queued projects.

Proposals are approved only for the items requested. Any subsequent cost savings return to the general STF fund for reallocation. Funding allocations are based on the proposal estimate and may not increase to cover any subsequent price increases.


Proposals previously submitted, but not funded for any reason, do not automatically get considered in subsequent years.  A new proposal must be submitted each year.

Instructional software requests must be approved by the college’s Software Coordination Committee, which verifies technical compatibility, and ensures that true campus-wide implementation costs are considered.  

If a proposal requires a new space on campus, it will NOT be considered unless the submitter FIRST obtains an appropriate location, approved by the administration for this use.

STF allocations are based on the proposal’s good-faith estimates, which should preferably be based on actual price quotes where possible. ITS is prepared to assist with pre-proposal reviews and advice.

Proposals should include all related needs in one application. Do not submit multiple applications for smaller amounts of equipment that will serve the same purpose.  

Please be sure to include copies of any quotations, estimates, suggested vendors, and sole vendor letters that may be required to facilitate the procurement, if approved.

If you have any additional questions about the application process, please contact Anil Lilly at 718.951.5861 or anil@brooklyn.cuny.edu.

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