Where do I go for help with Schedule Builder? Visit the CUNY Schedule Builder help page for video tutorials and help guides. If you are unable to log in to CUNYfirst, contact the IT...
How do I access Schedule Builder? Current students must log into their CUNYfirst account with their credentials and go to their Student Center. To access Schedule...
Does Schedule Builder automatically enroll me in the classes I select? No. To fully enroll you into the classes, you must click “GET THIS SCHEDULE” located on the bottom of the...
Can I swap classes using the Schedule Builder application? Yes, you can swap classes in the “Select Courses” section by selecting “Drop Course” in the drop-down menu under the...
If Schedule Builder times out, will I lose all the classes I added to my shopping cart? The system will recall only registered courses or schedules that have been saved under “Favorites.” Be sure to save your...
Will my ePermit courses be visible in Schedule Builder? Registered courses from all CUNY colleges are visible in Schedule Builder. Additionally, you can view your Permit courses in your...
Why am I unable to enroll by using Schedule Builder? There are a few conditions that would prevent a student from enrolling in a course.
What is Schedule Builder? Schedule Builder helps students explore, plan and build class schedules in CUNYfirst. Students can arrange selected courses into a conflict-free timetable...