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General Information for Commencement

Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: Barclays Center

The 2025 Commencement Ceremony information provided is subject to change based on CUNY guidelines. In the interest of public health and well-being, state and federal guidelines for large gatherings will also be followed.

The college holds one Commencement Ceremony each academic year at the end of the spring semester. In order to participate in any activities related to commencement, students must file for graduation by the established deadlines. To attend the 2025 Commencement Ceremony, you must have graduated in summer 2024, fall 2024, or winter 2025, or have filed for graduation by the deadline for the spring 2025 or summer 2025 semesters.

Commencement and Graduation are not the same. In order to participate in commencement, you need to have filed for graduation by the deadline for the included semesters. In order to “graduate” and receive your diploma, you have to pass all your classes and meet your degree requirements. Spring and summer graduates are invited to participate in commencement even though their final grades or requirements are not complete. This means that we do not wait to see if students passed their classes or actually met all their requirements to allow them to participate in commencement. They simply have to file for graduation by the deadline for the included semesters.

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