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Psychology courses and pre-requisites guide

Inventory of all Undergraduate PSYC courses

All of the undergraduate psychology courses can be viewed from this link, which refers back to the Brooklyn College Website.

Psychology prerequisites explained

Many psychology courses have prerequisites that must be completed before a student can register. For example, a student may be interested in registering for PSYC 3160 “Psychology for a Better Society”. The bulletin description for this course shows the following prerequisite: PSYC 1000 and 2100. A student who has already completed PSYC 1000 and 2100 with a passing grade will be eligible to register for PSYC 3160 because they have satisfied the prerequisites. However, a student who wants to register for PSYC 3160, but has not already taken PSYC 1000 and PSYC 2100, will not be able eligible to register.

The undergraduate bulletin shows each psychology course along with any prerequisites that must be taken beforehand.

The tables below were created to help students quickly review which lower level 1000 and 2000 level psychology courses act as prerequisites for more advanced 3000 and 4000 level courses. For example, the first table shows PSYC 2100 “Social Psychology”, and the 3000 level courses that require PSYC 2100 as a prerequisite.

If there are any discrepancies between the information provided here and the bulletin, please let the psychology department know by emailing PsychAdvisor@brooklyn.cuny.edu

Where do 2000 level PSYC courses take you?

PSYC 2100 Social Psychology

PSYC 2100 Social Psychology   Prerequisite: Psychology 1000 [1.1] or 2.

PSYC 2100 is a pre-requisite for the following courses. These courses may have additional pre-requisites.

PSYC 3110 Psychology of Prejudice     Prerequisite: Psychology 2100 [10] or 31. 
PSYC 3120/COMM 3100 Cultural Psychology Prerequisite: Psychology 2100 or 2210 or 2200; or Communication 2000
PSYC 3130 Relationship Science Prerequisite: PSYC 1000; and PSYC 2100 or 2200 or 2210 
PSYC 3140 Small Groups     Prerequisite: Psychology 2100 [10] or 31.
PSYC 3150 Drugs, Behavior and Society     Prerequisite: Psychology 1000 and 2100
PSYC 3160 Psychology for a Better Society   Prerequisite: PSYC 1000 and 2100
PSYC 3171 Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology     Prerequisite: Psychology 2100 [10] or 31.
PSYC 3172 Strategic Human Resource Management (same as BUSN 3240) Prerequisite: Economics 2100 [10.1] or Psychology 2100 [10].
PSYC 3174 Organizational Diagnosis and Intervention   Prerequisite: Psychology 2100.
PSYC 3195 Advanced Special Topics in Social Psychology Prerequisite: Psychology 1000 and 2100

PSYC 2200 Lifespan Development

PSYC 2200 Lifespan Development   Prerequisite: Psychology 1000

PSYC 2200 is a pre-requisite for the following courses. These courses may have additional pre-requisites.

PSYC 3120/COMM 3100 Cultural Psychology Prerequisite: Psychology 2100 or 2210 or 2200; or Communication 2000
PSYC 3130 Relationship Science Prerequisite: PSYC 1000; and PSYC 2100 or 2200 or 2210
PSYC 3220 Cognitive Development     Prerequisite: Psychology 2200 or 2210 or 25.
PSYC 3230 Social and Personality Development of Children   Prerequisite: Psychology 2200 or 2210 [20] or 25
PSYC 3240 Psychological and Developmental Disorders of Childhood    Prerequisite: Psychology 1000 [1.1] and either Psychology 2200 or 2210 [20] or 2810 [30] or CBSE 2002 [34]; or permission of the chairperson
PSYC 3250 Psychology of Adolescence     Prerequisite: Psychology 2200 or 2210 [20] or 25
PSYC 3260 Psychology of Aging     Prerequisite: Psychology 2200 or 2210 [20] or 25
PSYC 3270 Psychology of the Family   Prerequisite: Psychology 2810 and one of the following: Psychology 2200, 2210, or Health and Nutrition Sciences 2170
PSYC 3295 Advanced Special Topics in Developmental Psychology   Prerequisite: Psychology 1000 and either 2200 or 2210
PSYC 4210 Field Experience in Child Psychology  Prerequisite: Psychology 2200 or 2210 and permission of the chairperson.

PSYC 2210 Intro Child Psychology

PSYC 2210 Introductory Child Psychology     Prerequisite: Psychology 1000 [1.1] or 2

PSYC 2210 is a pre-requisite for the following courses. These courses may have additional pre-requisites.

PSYC 3120 Cultural Psychology (same as COMM 3100)     Prerequisite: Psychology 2100 or 2210 or 2200; or Communication 2000
PSYC 3130 Relationship Science Prerequisite: PSYC 1000; and PSYC 2100 or 2200 or 2210
PSYC 3220 Cognitive Development     Prerequisite: Psychology 2200 or 2210 or 25.
PSYC 3230 Social and Personality Development of Children   Prerequisite: Psychology 2200 or 2210 [20] or 25
PSYC 3240 Psychological and Developmental Disorders of Childhood    Prerequisite: Psychology 1000 [1.1] and either Psychology 2200 or 2210 [20] or 2810 [30] or CBSE 2002 [34]; or permission of the chairperson. 
PSYC 3250 Psychology of Adolescence     Prerequisite: Psychology 2200 or 2210 [20] or 25
PSYC 3260 Psychology of Aging     Prerequisite: Psychology 2200 or 2210 [20] or 25
PSYC 3270 Psychology of the Family   Prerequisite: Psychology 2810 and one of the following: Psychology 2200, 2210, or Health and Nutrition Sciences 2170
PSYC 3295 Advanced Special Topics in Developmental Psychology   Prerequisite: Psychology 1000 and either 2200 or 2210
PSYC 4210 Field Experience in Child Psychology  Prerequisite: Psychology 2200 or 2210 and permission of the chairperson.

PSYC 2300 Intro Personality

PSYC 2300 Introduction to Personality  Prerequisite: Psychology 1000 [1.1] or 2.

PSYC 2300 is a pre-requisite for the following courses. These courses may have additional pre-requisites.

PSYC 3300 Theories of Personality Prerequisite: Psychology 9 or 2810 [30] or 2300 [30.2]; and Psychology 3400 [40.1].
PSYC 3396 Advanced Special Topics in Personality Psychology Prerequisite: Psychology 1000 and 2300
PSYC 3840 Psychoanalysis: Theory and Research     Prerequisite: Psychology 9 or 2810 [30] or 2300 [30.2]

PSYC 2530 Intro Cognitive Psychology

PSYC 2530 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology     Prerequisite: Psychology 1000

PSYC 2530 is a pre-requisite for the following courses. These courses may have additional pre-requisites.

PSYC 3540 Psychology of Language  Prerequisite: Psychology 1000 and one of the following: Psychology 2530 or 2600, or Linguistics 2001, or Communication Arts, Sciences, and Disorders 2231.
PSYC 3541 Thought and LanguagePrerequisite: Psychology 1000 and 2530; Junior or Senior year standing.
PSYC 3595 Advanced Special Topics in Cognitive Psychology  Prerequisite: Psychology 1000 and 2530

PSYC 2600 Mind, Brain, and Behavior

PSYC 2600 Mind, Brain, and Behavior  Prerequisite: Psychology 1 or 1000 [1.1] or Biology 31 or 4019 [34] or Health and Nutrition Sciences 2300 [22.71] or Kinesiology 3271 or [Physical Education 3271].

PSYC 2600 is a pre-requisite for the following courses. These courses may have additional pre-requisites.

PSYC 3520 Sensation and PerceptionPrerequisite: Psychology 1000 and 2600 or 3600
PSYC 3540 Psychology of Language  Prerequisite: Psychology 1000 and one of the following: Psychology 2530 or 2600, or Linguistics 2001, or Communication Arts, Sciences, and Disorders 2231.
PSYC 2610/BIOL 2020 Neurobiology Prerequisites or corequisites: Biology 1001 and 1002; or Psychology 1000 and one of the following: Psychology 2600 [50], 3600 [65.1] or Biology 1001; or permission from the instructor
PSYC 3600 Behavioral Neuroscience     Prerequisite: Psychology 1000; Psychology 2600.
PSYC 3610/BIOL 3020 Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Prerequisites: Psychology 1000, or Biology 1001 and 1002; and Psychology 2600 or Psychology 2610/ Biology 2020.
PSYC 3660 Drugs and BehaviorPrerequisite: Psychology 2600 [50] or 3600 [65.1].
PSYC 3680 Human NeuropsychologyPrerequisite: Psychology 2600 or Biology 3081 or 4019 or Health and Nutrition Sciences 2300 or Kinesiology 3271
PSYC 3695 Advanced Special Topics in Behavioral NeurosciencePrerequisite: Psychology 1000 and 2600

PSYC 2610 Neurobiology

PSYC 2610/BIOL 2020 Neurobiology Prerequisites or corequisites: Biology 1001 and 1002; or Psychology 1000 and one of the following: Psychology 2600 [50], 3600 [65.1] or Biology 1001; or permission from the instructor

PSYC 2610 is a pre-requisite for the following courses. These courses may have additional pre-requisites.

PSYC 3530 Advanced Cognitive Psychology   Prerequisite: Psychology 1000; Psychology 2530 or Psychology 2610/Biology 2020.
PSYC 3610/BIOL 3020 Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Prerequisites: Psychology 1000, or Biology 1001 and 1002; and Psychology 2600 or Psychology 2610/ Biology 2020.

PSYC 2710 Intro to Forensic Psychology

PSYC 2710 Introduction to Forensic Psychology    Prerequisite: PSYC 1000 or permission of chairperson

PSYC 2810 Psychological Disorders I

PSYC 2810 Psychological Disorders I Prerequisite: Psychology 1000

PSYC 2810 is a pre-requisite for the following courses. These courses may have additional pre-requisites.

PSYC 3240 Psychological and Developmental Disorders of Childhood    Prerequisite: Psychology 1000 [1.1] and either Psychology 2200 or 2210 [20] or 2810 [30] or CBSE 2002 [34]; or permission of the chairperson.
PSYC 3270 Psychology of the Family   Prerequisite: Psychology 2810 and one of the following: Psychology 2200, 2210, or Health and Nutrition Sciences 2170
PSYC 3300 Theories of Personality Prerequisite: Psychology 9 or 2810 [30] or 2300 [30.2]; and Psychology 3400 [40.1].
PSYC 3810 Psychological Disorders II Prerequisite: Psychology 2810
PSYC 3820 Fundamentals of PsychotherapyPrerequisite: Psychology 28 or 2810 [30]
PSYC 3825 Cognitive Behavioral TherapyPrerequisite: Psychology 1000 and 2810
PSYC 3830 The Counseling Process: Theory and Technique Prerequisite: Psychology 2810 [30].
PSYC 3840 Psychoanalysis: Theory and Research     Prerequisite: Psychology 9 or 2810 [30] or 2300 [30.2].
PSYC 3850 Tests and Measurements Prerequisite: Psychology 2810 and Psychology 3400.
PSYC 3895 Advanced Special Topics in Psychopathology and Clinical ApplicationPrerequisite: Psychology 1000 and 2810
PSYC 4800 Mental Health and Adult Psychology Prerequisite: Psychology 2810; and Psychology 3810 or 3820 or 3830; and permission of the chairperson. Course application is required and can be obtained in the department office before registration.

PSYC 3000+ that only require PSYC 1000

PSYC 1000 Introductory Psychology   Prerequisite: None

PSYC 1000 is a pre-requisite for the following courses. These courses may have additional pre-requisites.

PSYC 3020 Ethics in Psychology (same as PHIL 3312)  Prerequisite: Psychology 1000 or Philosophy 2101
PSYC 3090 Advanced Special Topics in Psychology  Prerequisite: Psychology 1000
PSYC 3180 Health Psychology    (same as HNSC 2111) Prerequisite: Psychology 1000 or Health and Nutrition Sciences 1100.
PSYC 3360 Psychology of Gender     Prerequisite: Psychology 1000.
PSYC 3370 Hypnosis and Related Phenomena    Prerequisite: Psychology 1 or 1000 [1.1] or 2.
PSYC 3400 Statistical Methods in Psychological Research   Prerequisite: Psychology 1000
PSYC 3510 Learning Prerequisite: Psychology 1000
PSYC 3670 Comparative PsychologyPrerequisite: Psychology 1 or 1000

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